Yours, Lanark.


‘Support your Lanark.’

Visual Identity & Activation

The Brief.

Local BID ‘Discover Lanark’ asked us to create a consumer facing brand and subsequent activation campaign to promote Lanark town centre to local residents. They wanted to encourage people to rediscover the town and shop, eat & drink local as we emerged from lockdown restrictions.

The Insight.

This wasn’t tourism campaign, it was about reminding people why they fell in love with Lanark and chose to make their life there. We explored what Lanark would say if it had a voice, and how it would communicate with it’s people.

The Work.

Yours, Lanark.

We wanted something that worked as a sign-off from the town, but also encapsulated the pride and ownership people could take in their own little part of the world. Tradition was a key value, so we chose to hang the campaign on one the most traditional form of comms - the written word.

We created a new visual brand identity, audio branding and brand assets for use across all platforms. We developed a creative strategy across channels and activated across Print, Outdoor & Digital. To launch, we sent a personal ‘Letter from Lanark’ to every resident in the town inviting them to rekindle their relationship.

The Brand.

The brand was created to hero some of Lanark’s most iconic landmarks and tie in with the wider ‘Discover Lanark’ identity by sharing brand coding.

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The Letter.

We illustrated a stylised hand-written ‘love letter’ from the town to it’s residents, inviting them back into the town centre to discover it all over again.

The letter was delivered to over 5000 local residents and ran as a print ad in local papers.



Yours Lanark - A2 Poster_Landscape-01.jpg
YoursLanark_WindowSticker-01 (1).jpg

In Situ.


Creative Director | Gary Lamont
Copywriting | Graeme McKellar, Gary Lamont
Art Direction | Ellen Macdonald, Gary Lamont
Design & Visual Identity | Ellen Macdonald
Illustration & Typography | Sammy Brennan
Motion Design
| Chantelle Leigh Stewart
Music & Sound Design | Mark Cowan
Audio Production | Jordan McKay
Voiceover | David Holmes
Printing | Novograf, Service Graphics


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