Scottish Drugs Forum.


‘How to Save a Life’

Multi-Channel Advertising Campaign

The Brief.

Scottish Drugs Forum asked us to create a multi-channel campaign that would live across TV, Radio, Outdoor & Digital platforms. Our brief was to raise awareness of Scotland’s drug death issues and educate on how the general public can spot symptoms of an overdose and intervene before it’s too late.

The Insight.

There is a deep-rooted stigma around opioid-related drug use and the perception of users in Scotland. But thousands of people die preventable deaths every year. We trusted that most people would want to intervene if they believed they could save a life, they just need to know how to do it.

The Work.

“You, WE can save a life. We just need to know how”

We identified that most people would WANT to help, but breaking through the pre-conceptions would be hard. To do this we lent on what we felt was a universal truth, that if you could save a life, and knew how to do it, you would act.

We crafted the creative strategy, copy, animation, radio and music production – and worked alongside SDF’s in-house Design Lead to create a look and feel for the campaign and its visual assets. The campaign launched in September 2021 and ran across TV, Radio, Print, Outdoor, Digital & Social.


TV Spot

A 40 sec edit of the minute-long Hero Animation was cut for TV use.

The spot aired across Scotland on STV and Sky AdSmart.


OOH Execution - Digital Billboard


A 40sec radio edit was created to air across multiple regional radio stations across Scotland.


The Client.

Thank you so much, this is brilliant. Better than I imagined.

Thanks so much for helping us get this over the line!”



Creative Director | Gary Lamont
Art Direction | Lisa Maclean
Copywriting | Gary Lamont, Mark Devlin
Design | Lisa Maclean, Ellen Macdonald
Motion Design
| Andy Tomlinson
Audio Production | Allan Davidson, Adem Waterman
Music & Sound Design | Mark Cowan
Vocalist | Mike Cassidy
Voiceover | Martin Compston


Yours, Lanark

